Reincarnation Is Native To Our Race
“Belief in the transmigration of souls is not inherently unreasonable. It is untainted by the
“Belief in the transmigration of souls is not inherently unreasonable. It is untainted by the
Watch these great videos by Asha Logos detailing ancient Aryan history
excerpted from the essay “Folk and Land” by Wulf Grimwald NS-Germany was the only major
“So, finally, I come to that which I would say first, and in the middle,
“Then and now, the system of thought instituted by Descartes, Bacon, Boyle, and their compatriots
“The Greeks, during Apollo’s reign as god of art, thus turned art into a mere
Visitors commonly remarked that Virginians seemed to be exceptionally indulgent toward their children—and observation that
fucking based…why didn’t we listen? “However, other voices in the movement argued a quite different
This week we discuss National Socialist religious policy and the pagan/christian struggle within the party.
-Newsletter 134/135: 10 August 1939 “Let us repeat what we have remarked upon previously: the