There Is Only One Idea That Can Build The Next Order
And here it must be noted that the threat to our racial survival begins with
And here it must be noted that the threat to our racial survival begins with
Religion is a conception of the universe that affects emotion and incites action. It is
translated by Radu Pruth München Impressions: Hitler in the German consciousness There is no politician
Only one man and idea has inspired the West in the last hundred years. And
h/t Vidar This statement, which at first sight is puzzling, is hardly surprising after all
h/t Vidar THE ETERNAL LAWS OF LIFE As the Führer said, “National Socialism rigorously teaches
h/t Vidar SS NOTEBOOK NO. 3. 1944 Where do worlds. gods, men and all things
h/t Vidar SS NOTEBOOK No. 2. 1943. The word “order” is familiar to us from
Thesis 12 “The German Religion recognizes no dualism or conflict between the body and soul,
From a Field Letter Perhaps Pentecost, the day of the descent of the holy ghost,