Catechism Of The Germanic Religion: Introduction
There can be no doubt that Professor Bergmann deliberately chose the above title [The 25
There can be no doubt that Professor Bergmann deliberately chose the above title [The 25
Take this four armed symbol, this Fylfot, and display it so that the Shining Ones
Post by Wayland Smith Any faith that believes in rejecting the world, including the blood
By Arimaspi Everyone possesses an interest in our ancestors’ metaphysical beliefs but most fixate solely
Over against all this, the völkisch concept of the world recognizes that the primordial racial
Our spiritual style We consider it a good sign when our opponents throw down flyers
‘‘Truth, how holy are you! How do you live in the heart of it all,
132 YF It’s been many years since I first preoccupied myself with the thought about
Ideological power derives from three interrelated arguments in the sociological tradition. First, we cannot understand (and
Every creature has its own language to enter into heaven. See the flowers, they pray