Manifest Destiny Show 101: She’s Back

This week we review part two of Devi’s Gold in the Furnace

4 thoughts on “Manifest Destiny Show 101: She’s Back

  1. For nonwhites I’ve been using the term “orcs” for years now. I don’t know if it really suffices. If there’s a better one, I haven’t come across it. It’s caught on somewhat with people although I wouldn’t say its popular. Skraelings is decent too. There’s probably a better word out there that’s waiting to be found outside of specific slang/slurs for each type.
    Most people will fight harder for ideals than they will for material things. Some examples are early Christianity/Christians, muslims, “Freedom”(every side claims to be fighting for), the Nation & Race.

  2. Thank you for the many years of excellent book club podcasts. The multi-series shows on Mein Kampf was my favorite.

    Forgive me for confusing the names, but I have one suggestion. The voice of the main host (Blake) is very clear. His microphone is excellent and I can hear him clearly. Not so much for the other co-hosts. I was wondering if you could do something about that? Thanks again for all you do.

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